The information for TIDE Lab Researchers is hosted through UA Box. You can access this information by clicking the button below and logging in with your myBama credentials.

Researchers who are not affiliated with The University of Alabama will need to contact Professor Cary Deck to gain access to this information.

TIDE Lab Information

IRB Note
Researchers should share a copy of the approval notice from the Institutional Review Board with the lab manager

Subject Recruitment in SONA
Subject recruitment is handled through SONA (

The lab maintains a subject pool in SONA. When a study is scheduled, all subject who already have a SONA account will be notified and invited to sign up. If you wish to recruit individually, we’ll work with you to create SONA accounts for your subjects.

If you are new to SONA, we will handle it for you or assist you in using it. Researchers experienced with SONA can request a researcher account to post studies themselves. However, please schedule lab usage with the Lab Manager before posting on SONA.


Petty Cash
The lab has cash on hand for paying subject. The lab can either pay subjects directly, or researchers can check out cash to pay subjects themselves. The lab will hold the receipts.

Funding for Subject Payment
All researchers must provide their own funding for paying subjects. A FOAP corresponding to this funding should be provided to the lab prior to scheduling sessions.

Lab Equipment
The lab has equipment that can be checked out by researchers for the purpose of running experiments, including iPads, bingo ball cages, and more. Contact the Lab Manager for more details.